Kelsey Webster
Based in our Detroit office, Kelsey channels her love of writing into her position as a copywriter, having worked on numerous accounts contributing her expertise in copywriting, branding, and advertising.
I truly love to write. Whether it’s journaling or working on my book, I’ve usually got a pen in hand.
Question and Answer

How long have you worked at Weber Shandwick?
I’ve been with Weber for one year. I was in the Birmingham, Michigan office for about a month and then we moved to our current location in Detroit.
In five words or less, how would you describe your Weber Shandwick colleagues
Creative, funny, kind, intelligent, innovative.
If you weren’t a copywriter, what would your fantasy job be?
National Geographic Photojournalist. It combines some of my favorite things: world travel, photography, and animals.
What’s your favorite thing about your Weber Shandwick location?
I love being in downtown Detroit, especially when the weather is nice. There are so many amazing restaurants, coffee shops, and beautiful areas to explore. The city just has an incredible energy and it’s contagious. I even come down here on the weekends.

Coffee or Tea?
Coffee for sure. An large iced soy latte from Roasting Plant is my go to.

Paperback or eBook?
Paperback. I love being able to hold a book and physically turn the pages.

Dogs or Cats?
I love all animals, but definitely dogs. I’ve got two rescue dogs, Wes and Lebowski.

If there were a Weber Shandwick yearbook, what would your superlative be?
Most likely to laugh at my own jokes.
Beyond copywriting, do you do any writing for fun?
Yes, I truly love to write. Whether it’s journaling or working on my book, I’ve usually got a pen in hand. And if I’m not writing, I’m reading. Barnes and Noble is my happy place.
What’s your favorite restaurant in Detroit?
There are so many to choose from… I’d have to say Armando’s in Mexican Town. The best margaritas around.
If you need to get in the zone and focus on a project, what music is playing in your headphones?
Motown Spotify playlist.
You ran the Chicago Marathon. What’s the best and worst things that came from it?
The best thing was really finding out how much I’m capable of, and how practice and dedication can make something you once thought was impossible, possible. The worst? Probably the blisters.
What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever gotten?
Specific to advertising: “We’re not saving lives.” It can really help put things into perspective when things are getting too stressful.